Pat Walls is the founder of Starter Story. He is a startup growth mentor on Sparrow where you learn to scale your startup from founders who built and sold startups.

Pat Walls

Founder - Starter Story, $500K ARR

Expertise: Product, Growth
Focus: Media, Newsletters, Blogs, Content startups
Languages: English

With a background in software engineering, Pat is building Starter Story with the purpose of helping bootstrapped and funded founders learn to build profitable businesses. Pat’s extremely resilient personality and understanding of growing a content business, has enabled him to scale Starter Story into a $500K ARR success.

You can read how he started Starter Story here and his Indiehackers AMA here.

Pat loves helping founders with their Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and choosing the correct scalable backend and frontend software stack when building the infrastructure for their businesses.

Oh and he loves tennis!