Mohammad is the growth manager at Tina Davies Professional. He is a startup growth mentor on Sparrow where you learn to scale your startup from founders who built and sold startups.

Mohammad Kamla

Growth Manager - Tina Davies Professional
Bootstrapped Kamla Couture to $1M ARR
Grew Premia Home to $1M MRR in 6 months

Expertise: Growth
Focus: SaaS, Ecommerce
Languages: English

Mohammad is 2x exited founder, known for his tested growth strategies that he used to scale his startups to $1 million in monthly recurring revenue. His empathetic mentorship allows you to work closely with him to understand the growth experiments and customer acquisition channels that bring you more revenue and retain your best customers.

Having gone down both the bootstrapped and venture capital route, Mohammad’s expertise includes Content marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), etc.

Oh and he loves latin dancing.


Ben - ✩✩✩✩ (4/5)

Good fit. Exactly what I needed.